VCs: This Ingenious Hack will get your London CEOs more Visible

Behind every great entrepreneur, there’s a book collection like this. My book shelf, 2011.

Your portfolio companies are leaving money on the table.

As a startup founder, CEO and now personal branding coach and photographer based in London, I've seen it happen time and time again over the last fifteen years of my startup journey.

Brilliant startups with game-changing ideas, struggling to get noticed.

This was me back in 2010, and was the same for many of my peers.


Because many startup CEOs neglect the most powerful tool in their arsenal:

Visual human storytelling.

Simple photographs that show the behind-the-scenes moments of a startup. Images that tell a story that can’t be told with words.

Ready to book a startup photoshoot? Skip the article.

In this guide, you'll discover:

  • How brand photography can triple your startups' visibility

  • Why authentic visual content is your secret weapon for attracting top talent

  • The shocking ROI of professional branding photography for tech entrepreneurs

Ready to give your portfolio companies an unfair advantage?

Let's dive in.

1. First Impressions Are Made in Milliseconds (And They're Usually Wrong)

Our brain makes judgments about a person or brand in less time than it takes to blink.

With attention spans at an all-time low, those first impressions can make or break a company.

I recently heard about a London-based investor who was struggling to get traction for one of their portfolio companies. The startup had a brilliant AI solution, but their visual branding was... well, off.

The result?

Potential clients and investors were scrolling right past them.

First impressions matter.

And those impressions are overwhelmingly visual.

2. Your Portfolio Companies' 'Origin Story' Is Their Most Valuable Asset (And They're Probably Wasting It)

Every startup has an origin story.

But most of them are terrible at telling it.

Many startups focus solely on numbers and projections in their pitch decks, forgetting the emotional component that can truly connect with investors.

An effective approach could be to create a visual 'origin story' series. This might showcase the founder's journey, from their initial inspiration to the moment they decided to tackle the problem their startup addresses.

The power of a well-told origin story shouldn't be underestimated. It can create an emotional connection that raw data simply can't match.

Your portfolio companies' origin stories are potential goldmines of emotional connection. But words alone often don't do them justice. They need to be seen and believed.

Visual storytelling can bring these narratives to life in a way that could significantly impact investor presentations and marketing efforts.

3. LinkedIn Is a Battlefield (And Most Startups Are Bringing Boxing Gloves to a Gunfight)

Let's talk about LinkedIn for a moment.

It's not just a professional networking site anymore. It's the frontline of B2B marketing.

Many companies are still using LinkedIn ineffectively, relying on stock photos and generic company updates. However, there are huge opportunities for using authentic, behind-the-scenes content that showcases team expertise and company culture.

This approach can potentially lead to increased post-engagement and may even attract partnership opportunities from industry players.

In the world of LinkedIn personal branding, authentic visual content isn't just nice to have. It's becoming essential for standing out and making meaningful connections.

Leveraging professional photography and thoughtful visual storytelling on LinkedIn could be a game-changer for startups looking to build their brand and attract attention in a crowded digital landscape.

4. Your Portfolio Companies Are in a Talent War (And They're Losing)

Here's a sobering statistic: 86% of job seekers research company reviews and ratings to decide where to apply for a job.

In other words, your portfolio companies' employer brand is just as important as their consumer brand.

Creating a series of 'day in the life' photo essays could effectively showcase a company's culture and the cutting-edge projects their team is working on. This kind of authentic visual storytelling has the potential to significantly impact recruitment efforts.

For tech companies in competitive markets like London, this approach could be particularly valuable. It offers a way to stand out and attract top talent by giving potential applicants a genuine look into what it's like to work at the company.

In the war for talent, especially in the capital’s energetic tech scene, authentic visual storytelling could be a powerful tool your portfolio needs for attracting high-quality candidates.

5. Your Startups' Expertise Is Their Most Valuable Asset (But No One Knows About It)

Here's the thing about expertise: It's useless if no one knows you have it.

Your portfolio companies are full of brilliant minds solving complex problems. But are they showcasing that expertise effectively?

Visual content can be a powerful tool for demonstrating expertise.

For instance, creating a series of visual 'knowledge drops' - bite-sized insights paired with striking imagery - could potentially outperform regular content significantly.

In the attention economy, visual content is the key to cutting through the noise and showcasing your startups' expertise.

6. Your Portfolio Companies' Culture Is Their Best Recruiting Tool (But They're Probably Hiding It)

Company culture isn't just about free snacks and ping-pong tables (although this certainly is a good start).

It's about the shared values, beliefs, and attitudes that drive your startups forward.

Visual storytelling of company culture can be a game-changer in the competitive world of tech recruiting, especially in London's diverse startup scene. It can showcase a team's diversity, commitment to work-life balance, and passion for their mission.

Effective visual representation of company culture could potentially increase job applications and even attract media attention about innovative workplace practices.

7. Your Startups' Products Are Solving Real Problems (But No One Can See It)

Here's a harsh truth: No one cares about your startups' products.

What they care about are the problems those products solve for them.

Creating visual 'problem-solution' stories could be an effective way to explain complex products to potential clients. This approach can help prospects 'see' the value of the product more clearly.

Showing is always more powerful than telling.

8. Your Portfolio Companies Are Making an Impact (But They're Keeping It a Secret)

Impact isn't just for social enterprises anymore.

Every company needs to show how they're making a positive difference.

Visual storytelling campaigns featuring real users and the impact of products on their lives could potentially boost customer acquisition and attract the attention of impact investors.

Visual stories of impact can be the key to unlocking both customer acquisition and investor interest.

Introducing the Personal Branding Coaching and Photo Subscription

For the first time ever, I’m offering my services as a subscription for VCs and startups. Sign up, and every month, I’ll visit your team, provide brand coaching, and take amazing behind-the-scenes photos that are ready-to-use for your marketing, website, socials, and investor relations.

I’m only making this available for a small number of new clients. Submit the form below to be added to the waiting list.

Join waiting list

Are you ready to give companies in your investment portfolio a boost?

I’m available in London to provide brand and personal branding photoshoots for startups at any stage. Pre-seed or unicorn, I’ve got you covered.

Get in touch or have a free brand photography consultation with me.


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